With a load capacity of up to 25,000 lbs per axle, the Bubble Bee Cable Protector offers plenty of protection for cables, hoses, and wires from getting damaged from constant truck/vehicular traffic!
Bumble Bee Cord Covers have elongation properties of 400-600%, compared to the competition that offers less than 250%. This means that the polyurethane used to make the Bumble Bee Cable Covers can carry a high/heavy load before permanently deforming and can stretch a lot more before breaking.
T-bone connectors are designed for lighter weight cable protectors like the Bumble Bee. They form very tight connections to keep light weight protectors from separating under pressure, are shorter and reduce trip hazards.
Dog bone connector are fully compatible with the 5 channel Yellow Jacket® Classic and other cable protectors that use the dog bone connector. The dog bone connector is designed for heavier weight cable protectors and works best with the Yellow Jacket Classic.
*Orders of 10 or more, please call or Click Here for better shipping rates.
* NSN No: 5975015560530