When drilling holes in the wall, whether to run a cable through or installing hooks, it usually ends up looking unattractive and is rough around the edges. To take care of those problems, all you need are some Round Plastic Finish Desk Grommets. Not only do plastic desk grommets take of unsightly holes, but they also protect any passing objects, such as cables, bundles, and other objects.
Designed to be two pieces, there is an open sleeve that lines the hole and a snap-top cover to close around the passing through object, making a snug fit. Made with a plastic finish, these round desk grommets are available as the two piece design or just as the open sleeve for large, easy-to-pass through installations. Smaller diameters are good for USB cables, phone lines, Ethernet, etc. These Round Plastic Finish Desk Grommets will complement a variety of home and office dcor, and come in many different sizes for various applications and uses.