If you would like to submit a PO, below are the instructions.
Electriduct Inc accepts Purchase Orders from our approved, USA-based customers.
Our account terms are Net 30 days
To obtain an account please send the following information:
A.) Your Company's Dun & Bradstreet Number (D&B)
B.) Trade References (at least 3)
C.) Your Initial Purchase order
Fill out the Online Application
Please let us know if you need your application expedited due to an urgent order and we will do what we can to help.
Note: Government Agencies and Public Schools are not required to provide credit information.
Once your company has been approved for credit you will be able to fax or email us Purchase Orders.
The requirements for a proper PO to be processed are listed below.
A purchase order with a PO Number on your company letterhead, which includes the following:
- Today's Date
- Bill to address
- Ship to address
- Buyer/Contact Name
- Buyer/Contact Phone Number
- Contact Email Address (for order confirmation/verification)
- Accounts Payable Contact Name
- Accounts Payable Contact Phone Number
- Our Terms are NET 30 with no exception
- Our part Number
- Quantity Ordered
- Color/Sizes Etc
- Our Unit Price
- Shipping Method ----Your UPS/FedEx* Account No (if so desired)
- Special Shipping Instructions (ex: blind shipping, deliver to south side door, write XYZ on box, etc)
* If you are using your FedEx account, Ground Methods may not ship the same day.
Fax orders to 954-206-0799 or email to [email protected] (please put "Purchase Order" in subject line)
Electriduct reserves the right to not serve any company or person(s) we so desire. Electriduct also has the right to cancel any order for any reason pertaining to but not limited to price, availability, manufacturer issues, recalls, discontinued items, etc.
If you have any further questions, please email us at [email protected] or call us toll free at 1-866-673-9590
Download a Copy of W-9 Form (PDF)
Thank you for choosing Electriduct!